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Plan for surplus

by jill
There’s no guarantee you will have a surplus of any sort, even using Sheri’s book. In a good year, you will be able  to harvest all you grow and make use of it. Maybe there will be more than you can eat, and you will have time and effort to preserve the excess appropriately. Sometimes, for any number of reasons, you will have more than you can use. Read More »

The garden in winter

by jill
Jill's plot under snow

This is the Project Grow plot I had last year, and hope to have again this year. It’s actually a half-plot and you can see it on the left in the foreground. The rest of this Project Grow community garden stretches to the right. Of course, most details are hidden under the snow right now, but you can see the plot’s boundary markers sticking up.

Seeds and Dreams

by jill

It’s the dead of winter and I can’t walk by a seed rack without a long study of the offerings and making a purchase or two. In reality, I have been planning the next garden since the harvest of the previous fall. I’m going to lighten up on tomatoes this year.

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